
Attention Potential Co-resolvers: I Don't Bite

If years of rejection and blank stares have taught me anything, it's that no one will actually apply co-resolution to real disputes just because I describe it to them. When I first came up with co-resolution, I thought that the case for it was so strong and obvious that members of the ADR community would try it out once they heard about it. When this simple and stupid dream was crushed, I accepted that I was going to have to assist with the first trial runs of co-resolution and that, years later, people would go back and read these blog posts.

Well, apparently there's no end to how wrong I can be. I recently received word that a school district in British Columbia began using co-resolution in labor disputes shortly after my article came out and that it is reportedly very successful.

Before I publish further details about this little milagro (hopefully soon), let me throw something out there. While I hold registered copyrights on co-resolution, I did not patent the process and I do not intend to profit from other people using it. So if there is anyone else out there that is using co-resolution, please contact me at coresolution.adr@gmail.com. I am speaking at the next ACR Conference and would gladly share your story.

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